Ted Williams and Joe Dimaggio
Home Run - 1939 - World Series by Corbis-Bettmann
25 Colored Marilyns by Andy Warhol
Ingrid with Hat - Large by Andy Warhol
Marilyn Black - Small by Andy Warhol
In the Making Set by Tandi Venter
In the Making I by Tandi Venter
Change (Barack Obama) by Keith Mallett
Forever Glam by Tandi Venter
Java Dreams by Chris Consani
Rock and Roll music, if you like it, if you feel it, you can't help but move to it. - Elvis Presley
Man, I was tame compared to what they do now. Are you kidding? I didn't do anything but jiggle. - Elvis Presley
The Beatles, 1968
Portrait of Andy Warhol by Hans Namuth
LOOK Magazine Cover, 1962 by Stanley Tretick
Marilyn, 1967 Turquoise with Red Border by Andy Warhol
Robert DeNiro