The Beatles, American Flag
Muhammad Ali vs. Jerry Quarry, 1970
John Wayne, 1943
Marilyn Monroe in Evening Dress
Marilyn Monroe Glancing Over Shoulder
Audrey Hepburn - Blinds
Marilyn's Workout
Marilyn Monroe, 1954
Frank Sinatra (Mugshot)
Elvis (Presley) Reading the Sunday Paper
The Beatles - London Features Archive
Yesterday and Today - Plate Signed
John F. Kennedy
Salvador Dali - Have no fear of perfection
John Wayne - a man ought to do what he thinks is right.
John Wayne - a man's got to have a code
Audrey Hepburn - Icon
James Dean - Immortality
Marilyn Monroe - Money
Steve McQueen, 1966
Quote - Marilyn Monroe
Quote - Audrey Hepburn
Quote - James Dean - Being a Man