Soaring Spirits by Norman Rockwell
Soaring in the Wind by Kelsey Hochstatter
Snowy Tree by Erin Clark
Snowman Two by Peggy Abrams
Snowman One by Peggy Abrams
Snowman Magic by Karen Avery
Snow White by Ginger DeLater
Snow Sculpturing by Norman Rockwell
Snapper by Scott Jessop
Snap the Wind by Winslow Homer
Snail by John W. Golden
Smooth Sailing II by Tandi Venter
Smooth Sailing I by Tandi Venter
Smoked Bass by Jim Baldwin
Smiling Christ by Ariel Agemian
Sleeping Lions by Philippe Genevrey
Sleep Tight, Don't Let the Bedbugs Bite (green and orange) by John W. Golden
Skyliner by Michael Warnica
Sky Poppies 2 by Dominic Pangborn
Sky Poppies 1 by Dominic Pangborn
Sky Dance II by Tandi Venter
Sky Dance I by Tandi Venter
Skies of Blue by Carolyn Cochrane