Red Eye Set by Lisa Kowalski
Colossilopais by T.L. Lange
Inverted Personages by Joan Miro
Balance by Bryan Martin
Phenomena Waves without Wind by Paul Jenkins
Easy Listening I by Alfred Gockel
Tranquility II by Keith Mallett
El Laberinto II by Laura Salinas
Metropolis Set by Leo Burns
Earth and Sky Set by Leo Burns
Swing Set by Leo Burns
Tapas Set by Eric Balint
Morocco and Marrakesh Set by Eric Balint
Dotto, Secco, and Soloy Set by Denise Duplock
Poppi and Pip Set by Denise Duplock
Fiori Set by Denise Duplock
Maidenhair Coco and Coral Stem (double) Set by Denise Duplock
Maidenhair Coco and Coral Stem (single) Set by Denise Duplock
Pomponette Set by Denise Duplock
A Day Without Rain and Silent Sea Set by Thomas McCoy
A Calming Wind and Painted Sky Set by Thomas McCoy
Embracing the Future and Preserving the Past Set by Thomas McCoy
Venue and Zone Set by A. Martin
Incline and Revolve Set by A. Martin