The Gilded Robe by Diana Martin
The Future Belongs by Jo Moulton
The Fording by Howard Burger
The Flame Club by Larry Grossman
The Fight Between a Tiger and Buffalo, 1908 by Henri Rousseau
The Emerald by Shari White
The Edge of Memory by Valerie Willson
The Dressing Room by Natalie Arnold
The Dance Class, ca. 1873-1876 by Edgar Degas
The Crow Bar and Grill by Victoria Blewer
The Cove by Geoff Allen
The Cote des Boufs at L'Hermitage by Camille Pissarro
The Contender by April S. White
The Color Of Dreams by Richard Calvo
The Cat Nap by Casey Craig
The Card Players, 1890-1892 by Paul Cezanne
The Cape Lighthouse by Howard Burger
The Candle Maker by Peggy Abrams
The Barque, c. 1902 by Odilon Redon
The Accolade by Edmund Blair Leighton
The 11th At Augusta-White Dogwood by Bernard Willington
That's a Lovely Idea by Amy Ruppel
That Divine Love by John Clark