Kaleidoscope II by Tandi Venter
Kaleidoscope I by Tandi Venter
Juxtapose II by Jodi Reeb-Myers
Juxtapose I by Jodi Reeb-Myers
Just The Right Star by Peggy Abrams
Just The Right Bulb by Peggy Abrams
Just Soup by Dan DiPaolo
Just Plain Fun by Phyl Schock
Jungle Patterns II by Elizabeth Matrozos (Matroz)
July: Specimen of a Portrait, c.1878 by Jacques-Joseph Tissot
Juliette by Diane Cooper
Juicy Pear by Nicole Etienne
Juicy Peach by Nicole Etienne
Jubilee II by S.G. Rose
Jubilee I by S.G. Rose
Joyful Hope by Dona Gelsinger
Joyful - Snowman by Jennifer Pugh
Joy May Be…
Joy IV by S.G. Rose
Joy III by S.G. Rose
Joy II by S.G. Rose
Joy II by Connie Tunick