Memories of Summer Days II by Mauro Cardoza
Memories of Summer Days I by Mauro Cardoza
Monoclemonologues by Will Bullas
Lovey Dovey by Will Bullas
Untitled by Jane Teglas
Winter Reflection by Jerry Gadamus
The Wild Ones by Scott Zoellick
His Majesty by Scott Zoellick
Backwater Refuge by Scott Zoellick
In the Conservatory by Heywood Hardy
Soaring High by Todd Telander
I Will Sing by Ninalee Irani
Two Birds In An Orange Tree by Ninalee Irani
Peek II by Ninalee Irani
Peek I by Ninalee Irani
Criss Cross by Ninalee Irani
Hope by Ninalee Irani
Dream by Ninalee Irani
Patience by Ninalee Irani
The Birds by Ninalee Irani
Balancing Act III by Ninalee Irani
Balancing Act I by Ninalee Irani
Three Chicks II by Ninalee Irani
Three Chicks I by Ninalee Irani