Cocorico, 1899 by Theophile Alexandre Steinlen
Ambassadeurs: Yvette Guilbert, Tous les Soirs, 1894 by Theophile Alexandre Steinlen
Mothu et Doria, 1893 by Theophile Alexandre Steinlen
Biscuits Franco-Americaine, 1888 by Theophile Alexandre Steinlen
Tombola, 1888 by Theophile Alexandre Steinlen
Hotel de Paris: Trouville-sur-Mer, 1885 by Theophile Alexandre Steinlen
American Crescent Cycles, 1901 by Fred Ramsdell
Job by Alphonse Maria Mucha
The West End Review, 1898 by Alphonse Maria Mucha
Chocolat Ideal, 1897 by Alphonse Maria Mucha
Stucchi Bicycles by Emilio Malerba Gian
Cycles Medinger, 1897 by Georges-Alfred Bottini
Auberge Saint-Gabriel by Will Rafuse
Contratto by Leonetto Cappiello
Afrique Occidental Francaise, ca. 1948 by Paul Colin
Isolabella, 1910 by Leonetto Cappiello
Brides les Bains by Benigni
Pullman Express by Pierre-Felix Fix-Masseau
Be Everything by Janet Kruskamp
Anchor Line New York to Mediterranean Service by Eaglecrown
Golden State by David Grandin
Schnauzer Bars by Ken Bailey
Bull Terrier Brand by Ken Bailey